Saturday, December 31, 2011

A New Year

With a new year knocking anxiously at our door, I am sure we are all reflecting and starting to think of what we would like to see over the next year. I am not a huge resolution fan.  I just haven't been one to make lots of resolutions over my life. This year though I think I can sum it all up in more intentional.

This covers just about everything. Some of it seems obvious, like I have to intentionally eat more veggies otherwise I will avoid them like the plague. Other things roaming around in my head seem more vague and unclear on how to attain.

I know in this new year I want to intentionally seek after God more. I want to intentionally be more aware and thankful for all that God has given me and learn to find my fulfillment in that.

2012 is going to be a good year. Let's worry about tomorrow less and keep our eyes focused on God and what He has given us today.

Happy New Years bloggies!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Nice Job!


With the end of the year drawing near, I often find myself (as I think most people do) thinking about all of the would of, could of and should ofs of the last year.  We get stuck thinking how we can change ourselves or the year ahead of us for the better.

I think it's time we give ourselves a nice pat on the back and say way to go and praise God for getting me here! It's high time we focus on what we did that was fabulous this last year.  Little things and big things.  For me, when I really think about I have lots to be happy I accomplished among them is reading 26 books, signed up for a mini marathon, realized I can run a mile pretty easily (baby steps people), cooked lots of different types of bread, shared my love of cooking with my babies and the biggest I would say is getting our new house in shape.

It's great to make goals and don't worry I have some I am working up for the next year, but everyone needs a little encouragement,  We need to remind ourselves of the things we have accomplished and not just the things we haven't.  We need to remember how blessed we are and what God has provided us with.

How about you bloggies?  What have you done this past year that you are proud of?  Start a business, have a baby, learn a new language, bake something knew??  Let's have it!