Saturday, December 31, 2011

A New Year

With a new year knocking anxiously at our door, I am sure we are all reflecting and starting to think of what we would like to see over the next year. I am not a huge resolution fan.  I just haven't been one to make lots of resolutions over my life. This year though I think I can sum it all up in more intentional.

This covers just about everything. Some of it seems obvious, like I have to intentionally eat more veggies otherwise I will avoid them like the plague. Other things roaming around in my head seem more vague and unclear on how to attain.

I know in this new year I want to intentionally seek after God more. I want to intentionally be more aware and thankful for all that God has given me and learn to find my fulfillment in that.

2012 is going to be a good year. Let's worry about tomorrow less and keep our eyes focused on God and what He has given us today.

Happy New Years bloggies!


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